Writing Pitfalls

A writing workshop is a good example of how gamification can yield impressive results when applied to specific and practical real-world problems.

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The Mixed Mind Map

We have developed a tool which can trigger imaginative new concepts that relate back to the core themes of a project.

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The Player Motivations Deck

Introducing a new deck - applicable to any projects where player motivation preferences are being explored...

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The SPOT project has received funding from CityLab010 and is going full steam ahead with plans and prototyping!

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Total View

Meet Total View, the new tool for developing a creative business mindset. Playing the game gives you a chance to collaboratively discover your positions and business opportunities as artists and designers.

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Agent of Play

It’s time for play to regain its fundamental place in society; and I should be its agent.

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You see a tree. It sees you. It attracts you with subtle animated color patterns. When you approach it, it starts to change its colors and when you throw something in the bin attached to it, it goes 'Boom!' with a white flash. This is its way to put you in the spotlight and thank you for caring for the environment.

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Boom! from Bruno Setola on Vimeo.